Islamic Education Based on Multicultural Paradigm

Posted by Kongkow edu On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 0 komentar
Indonesia as majority Muslim country (it is not Islam country) is popular with plurality of ethnic, cultural and religions. The plurality is the characteristic of Indonesia. It will become valuable manifestation for Indonesia, if it is managed properly. But if it is not managed properly the plurality will become crucial issues that caused the clash of civilization in Indonesia. Actually the plurality in Indonesia is complex and not simple, requires a correct attitude in society in responding the plurality. According to Muhammad Ali, the plurality also could be solved by the development of multicultural attitudes in society. In the discourse of multiculturalism requires not only recognition of plurality, but also cultural awareness and inclusive transformative, they can be done by allowing the internal-community culture that grew and developed in accordance with foreign cultural.
Multicultural paradigm is accordance with the principles of national education, the principles of Islamic education and global education. According to National Education Act number 20 years in 2003, Education held in a democratic and justice and it is not discriminative to improve human rights, religious values, cultural values and pluralism”. Mutual respect in plurality of gender, social status, tribes and religious is web of life in the word
In this context, education has an important role in dialectic– transformation of social culture which is expected to develop the social culture, in term of respect to the diversity of society. Spectrum of cultural community is varying and they are being a challenge for the education process to become a valuable asset. Diversity of cultural society can be solved with the students’ multicultural understanding.
Islamic education is one of the ways for reconstruction of the students’ multicultural understanding; it will be done by increasing mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual understanding in different of ethnics, cultures and religions. Islamic education is required to perform the value transformation through moral potential in order to create the civil society based on multicultural paradigm, either by the dogmatic value or by the intellectual and cultural explanation.
In reality, Indonesia has been developed potency of social conflict among different tribes, religious community, cultures and many groups in society which caused by ethnocentrism, prejudices, stereotypes, discrimination and marginalized of society. Terrorism and religious fundamentalism is evidence of failure of religious education to create a dignified human being Indonesian. Religious education creates conservatism and radicalism. It means Islamic education has not provided concrete solutions to solve the conflict in Indonesian society. The positive differences, for the Indonesian people, have been changed by emotional and destructive people.
In the challenges on the globalization era, it is need to reconstruct the role of Islamic education in the process of nationality development character and humanitarian. Islamic education is demanded able to a positive role, constructive, and proactive in building the Islamic values, consciousness, nationhood and humanity so that formed the Indonesian people and the world a more just and prosperous.
The justice as Islamic doctrine can be realized as the solution to create peace, happiness for all beings, especially human beings as leader of the world. This statement in according with verse of Al-Qur’an in al-Maidah: 8, O believers! Stand-up firmly by the Commandment of Allah, bearing witness with justice and let not enmity of any people incite you that you should not do justice. Do the justice that is nearer to piety and fear Allah, undoubtedly, Allah is aware of you doing. Finally, religious doctrine is taught in Islamic education is not teaching that ignores the existence of other religious groups, but to teach mutual respect and appreciate the existence of others religious groups.

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